Franchise Opportunities
Franchise Japan
Franchise Japan

Franchise Japan was started in 2008 as a small takeaway kiosk at Hong Lim Complex when 3 ex-colleagues came together with the same dream of making healthy, handcrafted buns and cake.

Franchise Japan also serves a variety of Nanyang-inspired cuisines such as Chilli Crab, Curry Fish Head, noodles and local favourites.

With 7 outlets in Singapore currently, Franchise Japan expanded to the Philippines in 2009 and since then, it has an international presence in Japan and Indonesia.

Over the next 5 years, the plans are to develop more outlets in the countries where the company has a presence and venture into the other ASEAN countries and China.

Key Information
Year Founded 1953
Industry F&B
Country of Origin Singapore
No. of outlets in Singapore 9
No. of International outlets 11
Markets/Areas Available ASEAN/China/Others
Average investment/unit/store

USD 80.000 to 100,000 food court (30 sqm)
USD 250.000 to 300,000 outlet (150 sqm)